Recent Developments in Commercial Property
& Landlord & Tenant (Alan Riley)
- A general review of recent commercial property law developments (current through to September 2023), analysing all recent and relevant property law cases, legislative and regulatory developments and consultations that have arisen in the current year
- Recent cases affecting easements, covenants, nuisance, and other property rights impacting upon use or development of land
- Other land acquisition issues (including heads of terms agreements, highway enquiries, village green registrations and open spaces)
- Commercial landlord and tenant matters (including exercising break rights; controlling alterations and making improvements in the light of rising minimum energy efficiency standards; fair service charge drafting).
Utility Searches for Commercial Property Lawyers (Jeremy Haigh)
The requirements of the CDM Regulations published in 2015 moved the responsibility for the pre-contract H&S pack from the main contractor to the client or his principal designer. This, and its interaction with the HSG47 and BSi PAS 128, means the obligations on clients and designers have changed significantly in relation to utility discovery.
The presentation helps clients understand the changes and how they can avoid any issues with utility plant and falling foul of the HSE, statute and regulations. It also covers property and legal due diligence pre exchange of contracts.
£20.00 per delegate (includes lunch & refreshments)
Numbers are limited, so book early to avoid disappointment.
Click on the link below to book via Eventbrite.