Stephen Desmond
Key topics covered by this course will include:
- Planning permission
- Listed building consent
- Conservation area consent
- Certificate of lawfulness
- Heritage partnership agreement
- Listed building consent order
- Local listed building consent order
- Building regulation completion certificate
- Highways maintainable at public expense
- Adoption agreements
- Costs of making up road payable by frontagers
- Public rights of way shown on a definitive map or revised definitive map?
- Stopping up or diversion of public right of way
- Enforcement notice
- Breach of condition notice
- Direction restricting permitted development
- Tree preservation order
- Section 106 agreements and CIL
- Contaminated Land
- Drainage and sewerage issues
- Sustainable urban drainage systems
- Flood risks
- Coal mining
To register, contact Ben Wheeler via the booking link below.
For further information E: [email protected] / T: 0330 159 5363